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Spoednummer: 06-51 94 11 54


De Lairessestraat 107
1071 NX Amsterdam

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

Badhuisweg 84
2587 CL Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

Veerkade 1
3016 DE Rotterdam

Fabian Swart

Fabian Swart once started as an intern and has since then earned a permanent place on the TLG. team. Last summer he successfully completed his bachelor’s degree in law at the VU and is currently studying for a master’s degree in ‘Internet, Intellectual Property and ICT’ at the VU. Intellectual property is also the area of law within he will mainly focus on at TLG.

Most memorable case?
‘The best case I’ve had the pleasure of working on so far is a case in which our client (a clothing company) constantly had to deal with different parties who used our client’s product photos and thus infringed her copyright, causing her to suffer damages. What made the case fun was that for each infringer, in close consultation with the client, a new strategy had to be devised each time to stop the infringement and get the infringer’s damages compensated. This allowed me to combine knowledge with creativity.