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jouw New Legal partner.
Spoednummer: 06-51 94 11 54


De Lairessestraat 107
1071 NX Amsterdam

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

Badhuisweg 84
2587 CL Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

Veerkade 1
3016 DE Rotterdam

TLG. Pioneer
    in emerging

Setting a new standard.

The ambition to completely change the traditional lawyer culture that characterizes our sector. No bureaucracy and distance, but coordination and partnership. From that point of departure in 2004, we have grown into a mature organization with offices in Amsterdam, The Hague & Rotterdam with clients throughout Europe.

Tech & Software

The Legal Group supports entrepreneurs who do business in the digital world. Developments in Crypto, Code, Blockchain, NFTs and Web 3.0 are leading to new issues of regulation and ownership. Being successful within this complex environment requires coordinated legal expertise. TLG. has that expertise in-house.

More about Tech & Law

Media & Entertainment

Based on our extensive experience in media and entertainment, we support artists, media companies, influencers and program makers in every legal aspect they have to deal with. From intellectual property to privacy and from media contracts to the sale of formats.


Top sport nowadays includes much more than just performance on the field. We therefore ensure that you also have the best team at your disposal in the legal field. TLG. supports with contracts, but also when it comes to partnerships, sponsor deals or personality rights, our sports specialist lawyers are at your service.

Curious about where we can make a difference for you?

Let us do a legal scan and discover what we can do for you.

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