Helen Maatjes
Intellectual Property | Tech and entertainment
Helen has been our star player in the field of Intellectual Property Law since 2005. She assists start-ups, individuals and corporates in properly recording and protecting intellectual property rights, and regarding this subject never fails to give an accurate answer. Helen specializes in advising on – and litigating in – trademark and trade name infringement. Needless to say she earned her spurs assisting entrepreneurs in the area of copyright and design rights.
Most memorable case?
‘Actually all copyright and trademark cases that really come to life by having products in your hands to make a good judgment. For example, we once got surprised looks when we appeared in court with tequila bottles, purely to show the judge the similarities between two trademarks and thus demonstrate trademark infringement. Or organizing a fashion show (fairly basic of course) in front of the judge to point out the differences between the garments. Copyright and trademark law become very tangible that way. Something that really appeals to me and the reason I am exactly in the right place in the IP world.’