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Spoednummer: 06-51 94 11 54


De Lairessestraat 107
1071 NX Amsterdam

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

Badhuisweg 84
2587 CL Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

Veerkade 1
3016 DE Rotterdam

Jeroen Burger

Corporate law | Contract law | Tech

Jeroen likes clear agreements and has a pragmatic approach to complex legal problems. He enjoys negotiating partnerships, setting up new companies and participations in – or the (partial) sale of – existing businesses. He does this both for investors and for (starting) entrepreneurs who need a financial injection. While advising, Jeroen always looks for the right balance between rights, obligations and (financial) risks.

Jeroen is also specialized in financial law and from that expertise Jeroen likes to think along about whether or not to provide security for loans, such as rights of pledge and mortgage. He also assists and advises parties within the real estate industry. In court, Jeroen mainly conducts proceedings concerning conflicts within existing partnerships as well as between shareholders and/or directors. He has an incisive litigation style and a particularly strong desire to win a case.

Most memorable case?
‘There are at least two. I once seized, on behalf of the owner, an aircraft full of passengers that had landed at Schiphol Airport, where preparation in particular was the key to the ultimate success. That was exciting, though, because the stakes were high and proper timing and cooperation with all involved was crucial. I also found the entire negotiation process in the acquisition of the YouTube channel StukTV by Talpa an interesting experience. It was special to properly guide such successful young entrepreneurs through these negotiations. In the end both parties were very satisfied with the result and that to me is a satisfying result.’

Jeroen is a member of the Financial Law Association and the Corporate Litigation Association. Because of his passion for sports, he is also a member of the Association for Sports and Law. 

Geregistreerde rechtsgebieden

Jeroen has registered in the register of areas of law of the Dutch Bar Association the following areas of law: corporate law and real estate law. Pursuant to this registration, he is required to obtain ten training points in each registered main area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.