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Spoednummer: 06-51 94 11 54


De Lairessestraat 107
1071 NX Amsterdam

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Den Haag

Badhuisweg 84
2587 CL Den Haag

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

TLG – Kantoor Rotterdam

Veerkade 1
3016 DE Rotterdam

Rudi Holzhauer

Intellectual Property

Rudi Holzhauer has worked in intellectual property law since 1981, both as a scholar and in practice. He was associated with Erasmus University Rotterdam for more than 30 years, teaching there at various faculties (law, economics, business administration) and wrote a number of books on IP and advertising law. From Idea to IP is in its 5th printing in 2019. Learn more at www.ie-onderwijs.nl.

As a deputy judge, Rudi was active in the so-called patent chamber of the District Court of The Hague for about 10 years. In the period 2005-2009 he shaped and gave substance to the BBMM training course for trademark and design attorneys as senior lecturer. For the Chamber of Commerce he also gave courses in trade name law. In the postgraduate course in Brand Management, he taught the course Introduction to IP for many years.




Geregistreerde rechtsgebieden

Rudi joined TLG in 2019 as Of Counsel to support and develop the IP practice area. Among other things, he teaches courses on intellectual property law and supports TLG’s IP lawyers.